When doctors chat with patients eye to eye, it’s not just about creating rapport. Certain facial traits may reveal vital ...
While Alzheimer’s is commonly linked to aging, as per a study young people with diabetes may also face a higher risk due to ...
VIJAYAWADA: Several cases of fever, joint pain, colds, and skin rashes were reported on the first day of the health survey in ...
Diabetes can affect many parts of your body, including heart, kidneys, eyes, feet, and legs. Various complications are possible the longer you live with the condition and if you have high blood ...
Type 2 diabetes and obesity are intimately linked; reduction of bodyweight improves glycemic control, mortality and morbidity. Treating obesity in the diabetic is hampered as some diabetic ...
It also has a high fiber content, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes. It’s also gluten-free. This makes it a healthy alternative for people who are sensitive to glutens found in wheat.
And your heart health is very important: You are two to four times more likely to have strokes and heart disease if you have diabetes. Follow these guidelines for heart-healthy living to meet ...
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum rash occurs in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Though this rash is linked to diabetes, it is unrelated to the control of blood glucose. Because necrobiosis ...
A variety of skin conditions can cause palm rashes. Treatments will vary depending on what's causing the rash. Dry skin, allergens, irritants, contact dermatitis, fungal infections, eczema, and other ...